Relationships Matter
Highlighting the Many Tt Relationships that are Making a Difference in our Community
The new year is a typical time for looking back and looking forward. As we move into 2023, I was struck by the New York Times' article, "The 7-Day Happiness Challenge," by Jancee Dunn. The article explores the 85 year long Harvard study of adult development, sited as "the longest-running in-depth study on human happiness in the world." For me, who gets to see the importance or relationships every day, I was not surprised to read, "From all the data, one very clear finding has emerged: Strong relationships are what make for a happy life. More than wealth, I.Q. or social class, it’s the robustness of our bonds that most determines whether we feel fulfilled."
Thanks to all the mentors, mentees, families and donors that are helping TtMP support so many relationships in our community - not only do these relationships make us happier as individuals, these relationships also strengthen the connections within our community! Here's to a 2023 filled with more connections and fulfillment!
Twinfield Together Mentoring Program 106 Nasmith Brook Road Plainfield, VT 05667 (802) 272-6323 (text/call) [email protected] |