Reflecting on our long lasting friendships!
Click here to read the conversation between Rick & Chase
“It’s hard to be crotchety with a kid and a book."
Rick Levy Mentor since 2009 |
Click here to read the conversation between Chris & Vivian
"Everybody should do Everybody Wins. It's a fantastic opportunity to read for pleasure with a student, to form a new and growing bond with a child, to laugh, and to be ordered about by someone only six years old. I love it." Leda Schubert, Mentor since 2015 |
"Being a part of Everybody Wins has been a wonderful experience. It’s provided me with an opportunity to be part of a young child’s life in a positive way, and it’s given my mentee a chance to do things that he enjoys with a new adult person in his life." Dave Boyer, Mentor since 2012 "We got to know the library, looking for books that caught our interest and using them to explore subjects like fossils, paper airplanes, mazes and maps. It was a year of discovery for both of us. We used books to learn about the world, share our thoughts and spark ideas for projects. It was fun to get to know one another through our shared interest in reading."
Donna Petterssen, Mentor since 2015 |
"As a mentor I have a much better connection to the community; one that I otherwise wouldn't have now that my children are out of the school system. My interactions with the administrators, teachers, and students keep me more informed on many levels. And the time spent with my mentee is rewarding to both of us!"
Pam Kelly-Kinniburgh, Mentor since 2015 "A joy every week."
Rhea Wilson, Mentor since 2012 |